Technology + Areas Of Interaction

          ENVIRONMENTS (E):

Although technology may be enhancing and expanding knowledge of the world, students learn that technological change can often be at the expense of the environment. Technology has a role to play in forecasting future events from past trends, stimulating the human thinking processes and controlling production. Students are taught how technology has an important part to play in building a sustainable environment and the suitability and effectiveness of its use.

These are the four central elements of AOI Environments.

ENVIRONMENTS in Technology
Awareness – over the five years of the programme
is it hoped that students will form a broader, deeper and more holistic understanding of their place within the global environment.
Be aware of the fragile balance of the inter-relationship of humans and the environment.

Responsibility – development of positive and responsible attitudes and to gain the motivation, skills and commitment to contribute to their environments.

Reflecting - on environmental issues from a personal perspective; questioning the effectiveness of their actions, or the action of conservation groups.

Action – becoming more active in the promotion of healthy local environments.

What are "Green" Technologies?

How has Technology affected the natural environment?

How can Technology improve my environment?

What is my environmental responsibility?

Will technological advancements 'save the world'?

How does technology effect the school environment?

How does the environment affect design?


Why and how do we create? What are the consequences?

Human Ingenuity (HI):
 Human Ingenuity, people as inventors and innovators, has a natural association with technology. The nature of design requires students to plan, produce and evaluate products. Through the realization of their own ideas, students become creators. As thoughtful practitioners, they reflect on the objects made by others and consider how those makers have brought about change

Human Ingenuity is at the center of everything we do in Technology.

From the Design Cycle itself to using tools and equipment to evaluating upon the impact of our designs.

HI is Technology!
What is the need for your design?
What is the problem we are trying to solve?
What is the situation we are trying to improve?
What are the needs of our intended market?
How can we improve our world?

The Design Cycle!
Properties of Materials.
Tools and Equipment
Skills and Processes.
Sketching and Drawing

Did we solve the problem?
How can we test our design?
What is the impact upon the intended user?
What is the impact upon the environment?
What is the impact upon society?

How do I think and act?
How am I changing?
How can I look after myself and others?


Health and Social Education (HSE): Students examine the way in which technology influences the health and wellbeing of individuals, communities, nations and the planet as a whole. They are encouraged to assess the impact of change and explore its consequences. They learn about how technology can have significant consequences for the economy, the political system, culture and society. Students are encouraged to reflect upon the needs of an international community and to analyze the impact of being without technology.
  • The students will also learn about the health and safety concerns and risks involved in the production process and with using specific materials.
HSE in Technology
Looking after Ourselves
How does technology allow me to express myself?
How does Technology improve my life?
What are the health and safety concerns living in a digital world?
What are the health and safety risks involved in the production process?

Looking after Others
How does technology allow me to communicate with others?
How does technology contribute to the benefit of the community?
What can I design to help the community?
What is my responsibility for others/the community?
What is the negative impact of technology on people?


Community and Service (CS): The main object of technology is to improve the human condition so therefore design problems often require a solution to a very real need. By focusing on real-life issues, their projects have guaranteed relevance. By using communication technologies, students are able to build relationships with those who are geographically remote. They can share knowledge and exchange idea with the people of different nationalities and cultures. It brings them into contact with people that they may not otherwise meet and provides them with an opportunity to make a positive contribution.




C&S in Technology:
What is the impact of technology on the community?
How technology has/will changed our lives?
What are/were the needs of the community?
What is my role in the community? Can we design to assist the community?
What does the use of technology say about a community?
How do communities influence technology?

Remember, the community could be the school, a local organization, the local area, the city, the country or any of those just mentioned in another country on the other side of the world.


Technology helps students become autonomous learners. Information at their fingertips can equip them to make informed decisions. Internet technologies provide new ways to communicate experiences and allow students to investigate, organize, present and evaluate their ideas in new and exciting ways. Using Web 2.0 communications technologies, students are able to engage and collaborate with a wider community.

Study habits
  • Organize own work
  • Organize material
  • Manage Time
  • Manage Assignments
  • Engage With Learning Approach tasks
  • Present work
  • Help others
  • Face Challenges
  • Work In Groups
  • Accept others

  • Speak with confidence
  • Learn With Others
  • Inform Others
  • Literacy
  • Graphic Communication

Information Literacy
(ICT)How can I access information?
How do I know if the information is reliable?
What will I do with this information?

  • Select and Organize Information
  • Use Digital Media
  • Access information
  • Be Honest
  • Reference Source

How have my reflections helped me learn? What other reflection tools and resources can help me?
  • Improve Ideas & Work
  • Be Self Aware
  • Keeping journals & portfolios
  • Connect with the AOIs

Thinking Skills
  • Generate Ideas
  • Apply Past Knowledge
  • Organize Ideas
  • Inquire
  • Pose Problems
  • Divergent Thinking