MYP ICT Assignments Standard/Submission

Assignments Standards for Technology Projects-



How to Submit your Assignments

As we strive to be a paperless class, below are the steps to submit your assignments in Technology :-)

  1. prepare your assignment (needs to be digital ;-) If you worked on a piece of paper look into ways to make it digital:
    • scan it
    • take a picture
    • mail it to yourself
    • share it over Bluetooth
    • etc
  2. Go to: Crocodoc
  3. Click on Sign Up to create an account (it is free....) Please use a good email address where your teachers can send feedback to you about your assignment
  4. Click on Add Document to upload your assignment
  5. Share it with your Technology teacher.
    • Please!!!!! write a brief description of what you are sharing as well as your name / names of the group members